Monday 8 June 2015

More than just a tidy house

I was so touched to receive a wonderful message yesterday. I'd spent several sessions (across some months) with this lovely lady, a couple of years ago, decluttering her house in all corners, and she was delighted with the domestic control that it helped her to regain.

However, it's not just a tidy house, and the attendant sense of calm, that can result from decluttering; the ripples can reach much wider.

"I'm so thankful we did the de-clutter previously! It was part of the preparation, making space for the new. Many thanks for your part in the preparations. Little did you know how much I needed that de-cluttering to make emotional and spiritual space for a relationship."

This isn't the first time  that I've been privileged to have witnessed a client achieving emotional clarity as a result of physical decluttering. I am honoured to have been a part of it.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Paperwork advice: a word to the wise

I'm so delighted to have been invited to contribute to Judy Heminsley's excellent resource for homeworkers, Work From Home Wisdom. Click here to see my article on one of the most common challenges I encounter when helping clients to declutter: paperwork.